Have you ever noticed how palm tree’s react to hurricane winds?  Do they whine?  Do they complain?  Do they blame the environment?  No…they bend as far as they need to bend and they go with the flow of the wind. As a result they come out of most storms not only undamaged but stronger and more resilient for the next storm.

This is in stark contrast to how we typically react to adversity.  I can speak for myself when I do not bend to situations…I resist and sometimes I snap.  You?

Today, I’d like to share some amazing ideas from a book I just finished reading called The Obstacle is The Way by Ryan Holliday.  Essentially, this book discusses something that we encounter daily, namely, how to deal with adversity in our lives. Here is one of my favorite parts of the book:

“You don’t have to like something to master it–or to use it to some advantage. When the cause of our problem lies outside of us, we are better for accepting it and moving on.  For ceasing to kick and fight against it, and coming to terms with it.  The Stoics have a beautiful name for this attitude. 

They call it the “Art of Acquiescence”

“Lets be clear, that is not the same thing as giving up.  This has nothing to do with action–this is for the things that are immune to action.  It is far easier to talk of the way things SHOULD be.  It takes toughness, humility, and will to accept them for what they actually are.  It takes a real man or woman to face necessity.”

I have noticed in my own life that I tend to stress out when I focus on things that I have zero control over.

Why not just let it be?

We tend to want things the way that we want them.  Take weight loss or fitness.  We set a goal, we tell our friends and family, and hope that they have our back.  When we find out that they are not as interested or helpful as we would have liked, we tend to blame them for our lack or action.

It is easy to RESIST the curve balls that life throws at us, and it is very easy to let external circumstances dictate our happiness.  Why not do the opposite?  Why not just let it be!  I know that this may seem overly simplistic, but if we reconcile with a sense of rationality it is clear to see that nothing we can do will change the situation anyway!

Bottom line?

Stop stressing about the things that are always going to happen. Some people will not like you. Some people will not support you.  Many times external circumstances are not going to be favorable.

Am I saying that we should just put on a happy face and pretend that nothing is wrong?  NO, but what I am saying is that sometimes we need to do ourselves a favor and realize that our goals, ambitions, and hopes might be challenged. And that’s the point–that is life!

No, I am not perfect at this by any stretch of the imagination, but I can honestly say that when I am at peace with things that I cannot control, I am more happy, care free, and easy to be around.

Have a great week my friends and remember,
Life is Good!
