Today, I want to share a quick observation about myself.  As much as I don’t want to admit it, I fall into mental ruts a lot more than I care to admit.  For example, I often have a terrible attitude toward morning times and let negative thoughts run amok in my head.  Honestly, I don’t know how I got into my little pattern, but when I wake up, I typically head straight into “Stinkin’ Thinkin!”

I think about all of the things that are going wrong in my life, and I almost always head into an instant depression. For example, sometimes I think, “Man, I have a lot of expenses coming up. I hope I can make payroll,” or “Why am I not further along in life? I am 38 years old, and I should be making more money than I am. What’s wrong with you, Griff?” and “Man, I feel tired! I should have more energy!”

These and countless other thoughts typically flood through my mind.  However, during the last few months, I have made a concerted effort to change this negative stream.  I have really been focused on changing the WAY THAT I THINK!  Here is what I am doing:

-I increased my meditation in the morning from 15 minutes up to 25

-I doubled down on my efforts to be mindful during my morning episodes. In other words, instead of accepting my negative thinking as fact, I began to dialogue with myself and argue with myself. I would ask myself if my thoughts were rooted in reality or just a fabrication of my imagination.  Most of the time is was the latter.

-I began ACCEPTING my currently reality (whether it was good or bad) while at the same time focusing on my greater goals and ambitions.  For example, if I did have a tight financial week, I would think to myself, “Oh well, that’s business, and I know that I am working on things right now that will prevent this from happening in the future.”

In short, I became more deliberate about my thinking!

Now, am I perfect? Am I a Zen Master who never has negative thoughts?  Ha, ha, ha, ha!  That is the joke of the century!  🙂 But what I can tell you is that I have proactively changed my own “reality.”  What seemed to be a truth in the past, I now dismiss as a learned way of thinking that drags me down and makes me feel like crap.  My reality now is what I WANT it to be and not the product of default thinking.

Now, how does this relate to nutrition and wellness?  Take a look at your overall health.  Are you satisfied with it?  If so, I congratulate you.  If not, I can promise you that you have some belief-patterns that are standing in your way. In essence, you have come up with a personal “norm” that is preventing change in your life.


The real problem is that you BELIEVE your thoughts. In other words, you rarely challenge them and, as a result, you keep manifesting results into your life that you don’t want.  For example, let’s say that you have a belief or a nutritional “truth” that says you don’t have time to prepare healthy food.  THIS SINGLE BELIEF CAN MAKE OR BREAK YOUR HEALTH!

Here is my challenge for you today.  I want you to isolate just ONE negative belief that you have convinced yourself is true as it pertains to your health and wellness. Just one!  Once you isolate it, I then want you to create your own personal plan to change it.  I already shared mine, but your plan might be different.  Once you come up with your plan, I want you to email me back and share the essence of your plan with me.  If you need help, I would be more than willing to coach you.  Let’s do this together, my friends!  Let’s literally start re-defining our personal “norms” and, therefore, change our reality!  We can do this!

Life is Good!!
