Today, I want to share a quick observation about myself. As much as I don’t want to admit it, I fall into mental ruts a lot more than I care to admit. For example, I often have a terrible attitude toward morning times and let negative thoughts run amok in my head. Honestly, I don’t know how I got into my little pattern, but when I wake up, I typically head straight into “Stinkin’ Thinkin!”
I think about all of the things that are going wrong in my life, and I almost always head into an instant depression. For example, sometimes I think, “Man, I have a lot of expenses coming up. I hope I can make payroll,” or “Why am I not further along in life? I am 38 years old, and I should be making more money than I am. What’s wrong with you, Griff?” and “Man, I feel tired! I should have more energy!”
These and countless other thoughts typically flood through my mind. However, during the last few months, I have made a concerted effort to change this negative stream. I have really been focused on changing the WAY THAT I THINK! Here is what I am doing:
-I increased my meditation in the morning from 15 minutes up to 25
-I doubled down on my efforts to be mindful during my morning episodes. In other words, instead of accepting my negative thinking as fact, I began to dialogue with myself and argue with myself. I would ask myself if my thoughts were rooted in reality or just a fabrication of my imagination. Most of the time is was the latter.
-I began ACCEPTING my currently reality (whether it was good or bad) while at the same time focusing on my greater goals and ambitions. For example, if I did have a tight financial week, I would think to myself, “Oh well, that’s business, and I know that I am working on things right now that will prevent this from happening in the future.”
In short, I became more deliberate about my thinking!
Now, am I perfect? Am I a Zen Master who never has negative thoughts? Ha, ha, ha, ha! That is the joke of the century! 🙂 But what I can tell you is that I have proactively changed my own “reality.” What seemed to be a truth in the past, I now dismiss as a learned way of thinking that drags me down and makes me feel like crap. My reality now is what I WANT it to be and not the product of default thinking.
Now, how does this relate to nutrition and wellness? Take a look at your overall health. Are you satisfied with it? If so, I congratulate you. If not, I can promise you that you have some belief-patterns that are standing in your way. In essence, you have come up with a personal “norm” that is preventing change in your life.
The real problem is that you BELIEVE your thoughts. In other words, you rarely challenge them and, as a result, you keep manifesting results into your life that you don’t want. For example, let’s say that you have a belief or a nutritional “truth” that says you don’t have time to prepare healthy food. THIS SINGLE BELIEF CAN MAKE OR BREAK YOUR HEALTH!
Here is my challenge for you today. I want you to isolate just ONE negative belief that you have convinced yourself is true as it pertains to your health and wellness. Just one! Once you isolate it, I then want you to create your own personal plan to change it. I already shared mine, but your plan might be different. Once you come up with your plan, I want you to email me back and share the essence of your plan with me. If you need help, I would be more than willing to coach you. Let’s do this together, my friends! Let’s literally start re-defining our personal “norms” and, therefore, change our reality! We can do this!
Life is Good!!
Griff, you are spot on about mind set and the reality we create. Reality is not fixed, but indeed subject to our control. Thanks for a great article.
Thank you Jeff! Hope you are well my friend!