Hello my friends!

Can I ask you a personal question? What is one of your most indulgent habits, a habit you know you should break but you just don’t want to? Is it not enough exercise?  Is it that condescending voice that you swore that you would not use towards your kids?  What is it for you?  Oftentimes, we accumulate habits in our lives that we are not fond of–yet we persist in them.  WHY is this?  Is there some unforeseen force within our soul that is calling the shots here?

Hardly.  In reality, we all have internal scripts or dialogues playing in our mind that ultimately dictate who we are and how we perform.  The sad truth is that many of these scripts go unchallenged and unquestioned.  Let’s take a simple example here.  Let’s say that you have used the “I don’t have time” excuse when it comes to exercising or preparing real food. Without becoming consciously AWARE of this internal dialogue, it will become a FACT to you, and you will not question it.  You can see this in everyday life when people state, “That’s just the way that I am.”  In reality, they should be saying, “That’s just what my internal programming is telling me to do!”

I am going to offer you a challenge. I am going to challenge you to challenge your internal dialogues!  The next time that you tell yourself, “I don’t have time,” I want you to CONSCIOUSLY become aware of what you are saying internally and then begin to challenge your own logic.  “Oh yeah, I don’t have time?  WHY?  Because I said so?  How is it that I am the only person who does not have time for things?  Is this really true?”  When you begin to have these simple dialogues, something magical begins to unfold in the background.  This magic that I speak of is a NEW subconscious belief that is more empowering and ennobling.  Say, for example, that you replace your time excuse with, “I make time for things that are important to me, and exercise is important!”  With this newfound belief, you will find yourself acting on it!

Use this technique every time you find yourself slipping into self-limiting and self-defeating internal dialogues.  I can promise you that this practice will be life-changing for you if you allow it to be.  Enjoy, my friends, and remember to:

“Never Excuse Away Your Inner Greatness”

and always remember . . .

Life is Good!