“Where Focus Goes, Energy Flows” – Tony Robbins

With the recent release of my book, I have been trying to practice what I preach by FOCUSING my thoughts.  Have you ever noticed how random our thoughts can be? One minute, we can be thinking about one thing; the next minute, we might be thinking and feeling something completely different.

Recently, I have been reflecting on my thinking patterns. I had to be honest with myself and admit that I was spending way too much time in “stinkin’ thinkin.”  Don’t get me wrong; we are human beings, and we are going to have bad days, entertain negative thoughts, and feel like the sky is falling at times.  But my question for you personally is this:

What are you focusing on MOST of time?

Are you focusing on what you DON’T want or what you DO want?  This single question is quite possibly the most important question that you will ever answer.  Take a look around.  What is the fit person focusing on? Being fat and out of shape?  Is the diseased person focusing on being in shape and healthy or are they focusing on every thing that they don’t want?

The power of focus can never be understated because it LITERALLY creates your reality. I defy you to prove me wrong here! 🙂  When you look at rich people, they are focused on being rich.  When you look at poor people, they are focused on what they do NOT have!  When you see a couple that is truly in love, they are focused on the beauty of their relationship rather than the flaws.  When you see a couple that is struggling, I can promise you they are focusing on one another’s weaknesses.

NOW, pick an area of your life in which you are struggling.  Let’s say that your area of weakness is finance. I want you to honestly answer this question: “What am I focusing on?”  Now is time to be 100% honest!  Are you focused on building wealth and financial freedom, or are you focusing on the lack of money?  If your health is not where you want it to be, are you focusing on how bad you feel?  Are you focusing on the lack of health?

The “One Question” Challenge

Here is my challenge.  Starting TODAY, I want you to start focusing on what you WANT in your life instead of what you don’t want.  Imagine what life will be like when you have truly mastered this area of your life.  If you find yourself saying, “Well, this sounds a little weird,” I challenge you to try it before you judge it.  The first thing that you are going to notice is that you FEEL better!  Why?  Because you are focused on things that make you happy rather things that make you sad and depressed.  So again, find ONE area in your life that needs improvement, and simply begin to focus on what you want it to become.

Do this for one week, and then let me know how it went for you.  Keep asking yourself, “What am I focusing on?” You will know by your EMOTIONS if you are on the right track or not.  If you feel good, then you are one the right track.  If you feel lousy, then you can be sure that your focus is on the absence of what you do want!  I know this seems simple, but I can assure that it is life changing.  Try it today, and let me know how you feel a week from now!

Life is Good!
